Despite my major transgressions over the weekend (alcohol, french fries, bacon…GROSS) I weighed in at a full pound down this morning, putting me at a major milestone of 25 pounds lost. I feel completely undeserving of this victory, considering how crazy I went with my calories this weekend. But I also know that I had yoga, a hike, and tons of dancing over the weekend that must have helped offset my consumption.
I didn’t take the Nortriptyline last night, sticking with just 5mg of Melatonin. I slept for maybe 2 hours, but it feels so good to leave behind another medication (that wasn’t really working and made me tired in the morning) and my energy always rises after ditching a med. It won’t last long, but I’ll cross that bridge when I come to it.
The reset button has been hit; I went to personal training last night and started out my morning with acupuncture and a chiropractic adjustment. I have yoga tonight and my consult for the sleep study first thing tomorrow morning. I’m back on track and nothing will get in my way! Hope you’re all feeling empowered this morning!
Filed under: Journal Entry, Medication and Supplements Tagged: anorexia, calorie restriction, eating disorders, hope, insomnia, inspiration, journal entry, melatonin, nortriptyline, skinny, sleep, sleep deprivation, sleep disorder, thinspiration, weight loss